
Showing posts with the label human rights

Terungkap Praktik Standar Ganda Negara-Negara Maju dalam Reaksi Terhadap Pelanggaran Hak Asasi Manusia di Berbagai Negara

  Praktik Standar Ganda Negara-Negara Maju dalam Reaksi Terhadap Pelanggaran Hak Asasi Manusia di Berbagai Negara   Hak asasi manusia (HAM) merupakan prinsip fundamental yang diakui secara universal, namun dalam praktiknya, reaksi negara-negara maju terhadap pelanggaran HAM seringkali diwarnai oleh kepentingan politik dan ekonomi, menciptakan fenomena yang dikenal sebagai standar ganda.  Standar ganda ini terlihat ketika negara-negara maju menunjukkan perbedaan sikap atau tindakan terhadap pelanggaran HAM yang terjadi di berbagai negara berdasarkan hubungan politik dan ekonominya dengan negara tersebut. Berikut adalah beberapa contoh yang menggambarkan praktik standar ganda dalam kebijakan luar negeri negara-negara maju. Warga dunia berhak untuk mendapatkan perlindungan hak asasi di berbagai bidang dan aspek kehidupan (Image:   Contoh Kasus 1: China dan Arab Saudi China China sering menjadi sorotan internasional karena pelanggaran HAM, terutama te...

Dampak Serius Standar Ganda Negara-negara Besar dalam Penegakan Demokrasi dan Hak Asasi Manusia

  Dampak Standar Ganda Negara-negara Besar dalam Penegakan Demokrasi dan Hak Asasi Manusia Negara-negara besar seringkali memproklamirkan diri sebagai penjaga demokrasi dan hak asasi manusia (HAM). Mereka mengadvokasi kebebasan, keadilan, dan hak-hak individu di forum internasional, menjadikannya sebagai landasan moral dalam kebijakan luar negeri mereka. Namun, terdapat fenomena standar ganda ketika pelanggaran HAM terjadi di negara-negara sekutu atau sahabat terdekat mereka. Sikap ambigu dan inkonsisten ini menimbulkan berbagai dampak negatif baik di kancah internasional maupun domestik.   Fenomena Standar Ganda Standar ganda terjadi ketika negara-negara besar menerapkan kebijakan atau sikap yang berbeda terhadap pelanggaran HAM tergantung pada hubungan diplomatik dan kepentingan strategis mereka. Misalnya, negara besar mungkin mengutuk pelanggaran HAM di negara-negara yang dianggap musuh atau tidak bersahabat, namun bersikap diam atau bahkan mendukung sekutunya yang ...

Presiden Jokowi berikan kompensasi senilai Rp 39,20 Miliar bagi korban tindak pidana terorisme

Di tengah pandemi global yang melanda dunia juga di Indonesia, Presiden Joko Widodo memberikan kompensasi kepada 215 korban yang mengalami kekejaman tindak pidana terorisme masa lalu. Kompensasi dengan total Rp 39,2 miliar itu juga diberikan oleh pemerintahan periode kedua Presiden Jokowi untuk para ahli waris yang telah meninggal dunia karena kejahatan terorisme. Ini merupakan tanda kepedulian Presiden Jokowi pada periode kedua pemerintahannya di era Kabinet Indonesia Maju.  Menurut (16/12/2020) korban yang teridentifikasi adalah dari 40 peristiwa kejahatan terorisme di masa lalu. Melalui siaran daring yang disiarkan Sekretariat Presiden pada 16 Desember 2020 Presiden Jokowi menyerahkan kompensasi kepada para korban dan ahli waris korban kejahatan luar biasa ini. Aksi terorisme adalah extra ordinary crime dan merupakan kejahatan terhadap kemanusiaan atau crimes against humanity. Pada kesempatan itu Presiden Joko Widodo mengatakan bahwa, “"(Dana kompensasi dib...

Presiden Jokowi Tagih Janji Kejaksaan Agung

Menjelang hari Hak Asasi Manusia atau HAM sedunia para pegiat human rights di Indonesia mengeluh terhadap penuntasan kasus HAM. Meskipun demikian para pengamat dan warganet juga heran dengan sikap Komnas HAM dan pegiat HAM lainnya pada kasus pembunuhan kejam terhadap sebuah keluarga di Desa Lembatongoa, Kecamatan Palolo, Kabupaten Sigi, Sulawesi Tenggara. Komnas HAM dan pegiat HAM sangat serius bersikap terhadap 6 anggota FPI yang tewas di Tol Jakarta - Cikampek pada 17/12/2020 yang lalu.  Pada peristiwa yang terjadi Sigi, Sulawesi Tenggara pada 27 November 2020 itu polisi mengatakan bahwa pembunuhan sadis itu dilakukan oleh kelompok yang dipimpin Ali Kalora, yang disebut sebagai kekompok MIT. Sementara itu menurut (14/12/2020) pada Pembukaan Rapat Kerja Kejaksaan Republik Indonesia, sebagaimana ditayangkan saluran YouTube Sekretariat Presiden, Senin (14/12/2020), Presiden Joko Widodo menagih janji kepada Kejaksaan Agung sehubungan dengan penuntasan kasus pelangga...

Hak asasi anggota POLRI & TNI antara ada dan tiada?

Isu tentang hak asasi manusia (human rights) selalu muncul ketika sebuah negara sedang mengalami unjuk rasa. Pada saat demonstrasi polisi akan berada di garis depan untuk menjaga keamanan dan ketertiban. Para pendemo punya kepentingan agar pemerintah atau anggota Parlemen (DPR) memenuhi kepentingan mereka. Biasanya mereka akan menggunakan slogan-slogan bernada membela serta memperjuangkan kepentingan rakyat.  Ketika terjadi demo biasanya terjadi benturan antara polisi dengan para pendemo. Tidak selalu demontrasi berjalan damai dan diakhiri sesuai kesepakatan misalnya unjuk rasa harus diakhiri pada jam 18.00 waktu setempat.  Suasana unjuk rasa tolak UU Cipta Kerja di kawasan Harmoni, Jakarta Pusat, 8 Oktober 2020.  ( Demontrasi pada dasarnya merupakan ekspresi adu ide dan kepentingan yang umumnya sulit langsung terjadi titik temu. Kedua belah pihak ingin mempertahankan kepentingan masing-masing. Entah itu para pendemo maupun pemerintah atau parlemen - p...

Donald Trump has failed to make America great again

The death of George Floyd was a tragedy for humanity, and the collapse of modern civilization, in the democratic country we know as the United States. Now the nickname "Ugly America" is real in this digital age. The motto "E Pluribus Unum" which is in the constitution of the American Constitution is now scattered. The motto is taken from Latin which literally means: "From many to one". The founding fathers of the Americans imagined that this country was ready to accept every difference that came from a variety of backgrounds. That difference is a historical fact and makes America great. America and the world are tired of seeing this angry face. ( The motto should have been the great heritage of the founders of the United States. However, now we see social and cultural disparities widen.  Racism actually occurs on American soil in the midst of a global pandemic, which is caused by a deadly virus, COVID-19.

Humanitarian movement for a better world

The world situation in 2016 is grim, making millions of people sad, even miserable. The struggle to protect human rights seem futile. There are so many victims of crimes against humanity in Aleppo. There are so many photos and videos of cruelty, so vile against children, women and elderly people. ISIS upload these photos and videos with a heart of stone. They religion used as an excuse to rape women, force of will, torture, kidnapping and killing of human beings are cruel.  In addition to ISIS, you will recall how Boko Haram has acted brutally and cruelly in Nigeria and elsewhere in Africa. Organizations sadistic like this should disappear from our earth, if the elite of the world unite to fight the abominations which they commit to mankind. President Jokowi and Kofi Annan. Image: Meanwhile in other parts of the world there are other atrocities such as the movement of intolerance, even become a very scary event. This event is certainly very disturbing adher...

Obama brought winds of hope to Cuba. Why the Republican disagree?

Obama brought winds of hope to Cuba. Why the Republican disagree? President Barack Obama has brought a wind of hope for Cuba, where relations had been frozen has been officially opened by Obama and Raul Castro. Both countries have created a new history, which will be an important legacy for Obama and the United States, as well as Cuba. The Republican in the US should not reject this new relationship, even Rolling Stone also had success pulling down the rigid democracy in Cuba. Rock music will pave the way for a wonderful change in this beautiful country. History in the 80s has been noted, that American President, Ronald Reagan has brought a wind of change in Germany, and demolish the Berlin Wall. Germany eventually become fully democratic country as had been envisioned by USA , and other Western countries. History has recorded have been torn down for the first time on November 9, 1989. Barack Obama also has made a historic step in 21 first century . He had been "demo...

Do Americans have the courage to choose a woman as the new president?

Do Americans have the courage to choose a woman as the new president? There is hope the United States will be great again if the American people elect a woman as president to lead from the White House.  Hillary Clinton also had a great chance to make America great again. The world is now looking forward to the maturity of the American people in the practice of democracy, human rights and gender equality, which always campaigned by the US government as well as activists in this country.                          Hillary Clinton is the next US president? Image: Is it true that the United States can be called as the most democratic country in the world? Maybe in some aspects of Uncle Sam a little sad because until now the US has not had a female president, even a woman who served as vice-president. Meanwhile, in the UK, led by a queen, and the king has ever had female prime minis...

The human tragedy in many parts of the world

Israeli missile attacks on Gaza.  Image: If you watch television, newspapers, online news or other social media such as Twitter and Facebook, we are increasingly difficult to obtain the happy news about humanity. Human rights violations such as kidnapping girls in Nigeria, which is done with the nasty by terrorists in the name of religion, Boko Haram - make us worry about a similar incident that may occur in other countries. We also witnessed how cruel the war in Gaza, and the world is crying and praying for Gaza. Nigerian girls kidnapped by Boko Haram in Nigeria.  Image: The world leaders such as Barack Obama, the leaders of countries in the European Economic Community or Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY), the president of Indonesia also has condemned the Israeli attack on Gaza, even the United Nations has declared the barrage as a war criminal activity. In the middle of the Gaza story is sad, it turns out most people also denounc...

Jokowi is a new hope for Indonesia

Jokowi, the last campaign at the Bung Karno stadium in Jakarta.  Image: Prabowo riding a horse during the campaign.  Image: A presidential election on July 9, 2014 is the most strategic democracy event since 16 years, since the 1998 reform. Direct election by the people to elect a president was first performed in 2004, and won by Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY). And SBY back wins to lead Indonesia in 2009. At the end of his second term, the President held another general election with two candidates: Prabowo with a military background and vice-presidential candidate is Hatta Rajasa, former Coordinating Minister for the Economy. Both of these candidates are challenged by Joko Widodo or he is very familiar with the nickname Jokowi.

Bullying is the early signs and symptoms of human rights violations

 Bullying can threaten students’ physical and emotional safety at school and can negatively impact their ability to learn. According to the www.   Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. Bullying includes actions such as making threats, spreading rumors, attacking someone physically or verbally, and excluding someone from a group on purpose.   Bullying is bad habbit. Image: While many parents may assume that bullying in schools is a problem that occurs in middle or high school, the fact is that schools and parents should take steps to prevent and stop bullying in schools as early as kindergarten and early elementary school. Bullying can affect children of any age, from kindergarten and elementary school years to high school. Studies show that as many as ...

Saudi Arabian women do not have the right to drive a car

In modern times there was a driving ban for women in Saudi Arabia. A group of Saudi women's rights activists called on others in order to fight the ban on women driving on June 17, 2013. One of the activists was Asmaa al-Ali. People like Asmaa enliven the campaign on Facebook with the name Women2Drive. Campaign for women's right to drive may be a bit contrary to the car culture of Arabia.   Women2Drive logo, a symbol of Saudi Arabian women demanding the right to drive a car . Image: Lot of Saudi women are choosing to learn to drive abroad to get around the ban while undergoing further education, or living in another country. Women are forbidden to drive in Saudi authorities interpretation based on Islamic sharia. According to the interpretation of scholars and government of Saudi Arabia women can not roam without a husband or a man of the family of the woman who accompanied. Fatwa is then interpreted textually that spread to all areas. Fatwa...