Do Americans have the courage to choose a woman as the new president?

Do Americans have the courage to choose a woman as the new president? There is hope the United States will be great again if the American people elect a woman as president to lead from the White House. Hillary Clinton also had a great chance to make America great again.

The world is now looking forward to the maturity of the American people in the practice of democracy, human rights and gender equality, which always campaigned by the US government as well as activists in this country.
Donald Trump, You're fired, democracy, Hillary Clinton, Megawati Sukarnoputri, gender equality, US President election, US presidential candidates, human rights, America great again
                       Hillary Clinton is the next US president? Image:

Is it true that the United States can be called as the most democratic country in the world? Maybe in some aspects of Uncle Sam a little sad because until now the US has not had a female president, even a woman who served as vice-president. Meanwhile, in the UK, led by a queen, and the king has ever had female prime minister.

Donald Trump, You're fired, democracy, Hillary Clinton, Megawati Sukarnoputri, gender equality, US President election, US presidential candidates, human rights, America great again
                      South Korean President Park Geun-Hye. Image:       

If you look at the history of democracy in Asia, then you will find there Park Geun-hye still reigns in South Korea since 2013. Indonesia has also been ruled by a female president, Megawati Sukarno Putri. Israel has ever led by a woman prime minister, Golda Meir. Some other countries like India, Bangladesh, Brazil or Argentina also recorded in history to have a female leader as prime minister or president, as well as the Philippines.

Donald Trump, You're fired, democracy, Hillary Clinton, Megawati Sukarnoputri, gender equality, US President election, US presidential candidates, human rights, America great again
Megawati Sukarnoputri,  former president of Indonesia. Image:
Are citizens of the USA still do not believe that one of the best women in this country that led them as the new president? Perhaps the men in the US are still too conservative, perhaps even still old-fashioned. American women may also still held the same views as the US men in general.

Nonetheless, America ever had two vice presidential candidate and failed to win votes to win the keys to the White House. Are Hillary Clinton, a former senator and former foreign minister in the first government of Barak Obama will have a better chance than Donald Trump or any other candidate?

Perhaps the American people it is time to have a woman president for the first time, and provide an opportunity for the former first lady, Hilary Clinton to replace the position of Obama as US president in this digital age.

Hillary Clinton actually has the capacity as a leader and able to govern as president. She has had experience as a lawyer, senator, and the foreign minister or secretary of state. With this diverse experience, Mrs. Clinton is a better candidate than Donald Trump, a more appropriate role as a property entrepreneurs or a television host, and shout loud every night: "You're Fired" in the reality show "The Apprentice".

Moreover, modern Americans do not need a president who is anti-immigrant and recently, Trump has made a statement that outraged Muslims in the world, and in the US. It looks like Donald Trump forget that he has a lot of business or invest in countries with Muslim population. If Trump is elected president, then this flamboyant man would be awkward for diplomacy with Muslim countries, even with there many Islamic countries allied with the US.
Donald Trump, You're fired, democracy, Hillary Clinton, Megawati Sukarnoputri, gender equality, US President election, US presidential candidates, human rights, America great again
Donald Trump, the Apprentice host. Image:
The United States is a great country that upholds human rights, democracy with direct election by the people, and to respect gender equality should have the courage to choose a woman as their president. If the American people elect a woman as their number one leader in the White House, then the tongue of the US diplomats and activists are no longer hesitate to fight for freedom, democracy and gender equality abroad.

The United States is a great country that upholds human rights, democracy with direct election by the people, and to respect gender equality should have the courage to choose a woman as their president. If the American people elect a woman as their number one leader in the White House, then the tongue of the US diplomats and activists are no longer hesitate to fight for freedom, democracy and gender equality abroad. There is hope that the US will be great again, if in the near future the American people elect a woman as their new president.

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