Obama brought winds of hope to Cuba. Why the Republican disagree?

Obama brought winds of hope to Cuba. Why the Republican disagree?

President Barack Obama has brought a wind of hope for Cuba, where relations had been frozen has been officially opened by Obama and Raul Castro. Both countries have created a new history, which will be an important legacy for Obama and the United States, as well as Cuba. The Republican in the US should not reject this new relationship, even Rolling Stone also had success pulling down the rigid democracy in Cuba. Rock music will pave the way for a wonderful change in this beautiful country.

History in the 80s has been noted, that American President, Ronald Reagan has brought a wind of change in Germany, and demolish the Berlin Wall. Germany eventually become fully democratic country as had been envisioned by USA, and other Western countries. History has recorded have been torn down for the first time on November 9, 1989. Barack Obama also has made a historic step in 21 first century. He had been "demolish" frozen wall in Cuba. Obama did not demolish any building in the country is famous for its cigars.
Barack Obama, Raul Castro, Cuba, Rolling Stone in Cuba, Obama in Cuba, democracy, human rights, Republican
Barack Obama in Cuba. Image: thejakartapost.com

Obama and Raul Castro has embarked on an "evolution" rather than "revolution", which may be running slow, but there will be changes in the future. Cuba should be given the opportunity to become a democratic country, and leave their old ways. The embargo is a heavy burden for the Cuban people is not yet revoked by the US government, but there is joy when Rolling Stone held a rock concert, which for decades was banned in Cuba. This is an extraordinary beginning for world culture. Mick Jagger and his friends are very happy because their concerts are very successful, and witnessed by hundreds of thousands of people.

Not everyone is happy with the changes brought about by Obama, and will be a legacy for him and the history of the United States. The Republican balked establishment of diplomatic relations between the US and Cuba, even some of them want to cancel the historic event. They may forget that many Americans who are looking for cheaper medicines to Cuba. A true democracy can not be built overnight, there is no magic wand that can do it.
Barack Obama, Raul Castro, Cuba, Rolling Stone in Cuba, Obama in Cuba, democracy, human rights, Republican
Castro, Michele and Obama in Havana. Image: indianaexpress.com
Changes should not be done with lightning speed or with a large war as happened in the Gulf War. Government indeed has changed in Iraq, Saddam Hussein has been sentenced to death, but Iraq has been ravaged. The Iraqi people are still suffering economically and politically. Czech people should reflect on the changes taking place in Myanmar. The change from a military regime to a civilian government era has occurred smoothly without bloodshed. The world is fed up with violence and the imposition of the will. Democracy and human rights practices should be built with love and music concerts.

Political measures and decisions that have been taken by President Obama may not have been perfect, but this decision has given the best example, that in order to change the government of the communist regime did not have to do with the ancient ways such as a military invasion or political assassination. Raul Casto should buy an opportunity to make changes gradually. President Castro certainly did not waste this opportunity by doing reckless actions. Obama does not want the current Cuban government to lose face in front of democracy activists in Cuba.
Barack Obama, Raul Castro, Cuba, Rolling Stone in Cuba, Obama in Cuba, democracy, human rights, Republican

Rolling Stones concerts in Ciudad Devortiva in Havana. Image: elmolinoonline.com
After Mick Jagger with the Rolling Stone Rock successfully organizing concerts, there will be another mission of musicians, artists and Hollywood films that will be seen in Havana and throughout the country. 

Art and culture are powerful weapon to foster the spirit of freedom in Cuba, as well in other countries. There are many US and European tourists will enjoy the beauty of the beaches and the historic city in Cuba. The American entrepreneur will happily build a hotel or investing in this country. American Fried chicken, hamburgers, pizza and ice cream will be easy be found in Cuba, and the United States will earn additional billions of dollars from the nearest neighboring country after Mexico.

 Perhaps there are still a bunch of weirdos in the Republican Party, so they are not moved from the ancient view of building a democracy. Perhaps the American people need to rethink the future of democracy in their own country. 

However, the majority of the American people are rational people, who are not only looking within their own country. Facebook, Google, Hollywood, McDonald's, Starbucks has been very "successful" bringing democracy in their own way to many countries, whereas there are small part of the Republicans are still very old-fashioned view of how to build more equal relations with other nations.

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