Bullying is the early signs and symptoms of human rights violations

 Bullying can threaten students’ physical and emotional safety at school and can negatively impact their ability to learn. According to the www.stopbullying.gov:   Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. Bullying includes actions such as making threats, spreading rumors, attacking someone physically or verbally, and excluding someone from a group on purpose.
Bullying is bad habbit. Image: bestdamncreativewritingblog.com
While many parents may assume that bullying in schools is a problem that occurs in middle or high school, the fact is that schools and parents should take steps to prevent and stop bullying in schools as early as kindergarten and early elementary school.

Bullying can affect children of any age, from kindergarten and elementary school years to high school. Studies show that as many as 15 to 20 percent of kids are bullied "sometimes or more often," and 15 to 20 percent of kids admit to bullying others with some frequency, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Violence at school. Image:  inglesbullying.blogspot.com

Bullying has proven to be a pervasive issue that affects schools across the country regardless of their size. Bullying does not necessarily mean physical abuse. In many instances, it involves taunting or teasing the victim. It can also happen indirectly, with the bully spreading rumors or making threats to the victim behind his or her back - as is often the case with cyberbullying.

Bullying can lead to any number of problems for victims, including a higher suicide rate, worse performance in school and more. According to the CDC:

  •     22.5% of high school bullying victims are   likely to consider suicide
  •     40.9% of middle school bullying victims are likely to intentionally harm themselves
  •     20.4% of high school bullying victims are likely to be physically hurt by a family member
If you look at the data above, the victims must have been very suffering psychologically and physically. The act of bullying committed friends at school seniors or very bad consequences, not only for the victims, the perpetrators turned out will do the same in the future. When they are working in a company, there is a chance they will interfere with work friends. If they become policemen or soldiers, government officials, then there is a chance they will commit violations of human rights.

The bully victim also has the potential to take revenge at a time when they are adults. By the time they are adults, especially if they change physically bigger and stronger, so they can act cruel to people who've acted badly at the school. Their actions can be more cruel, perhaps because they want to break away from fear.

The perpetrators of bullying can also be a psychopath, and is likely to commit human rights violations in the future. For example, they will discriminate to co-workers, and they will also be racist to another tribe or nation. If the character and attitude of the ex-offenders do not change when they grow up, it will be very dangerous if they are given a high position in the company, or in government agencies, especially if they served as leaders, military officers or the president (head of state).

Early Warning System

Every school from kindergarten, elementary school, middle school, even in college or university must exist in the official institution authorized to conduct the prevention of bullying. They have to take some remedial action and of course involves many disciplines such as psychology and expertise plus other relevant fields.

Rules that involve bullying behaviors should be clearly posted. Schools also could ask local mental health professionals to speak to students about bullying behaviors and how it directly affects the victims.

The teachers and principals should not underestimate the poor activity of these bullies. The victims can take action more cruel revenge for the perpetrators.  The victims even intend to commit suicide, there is even a victim who actually commit suicide. Of course this event would make us sad, and we lost many smart kids who have the potential to live a successful and useful for others in the future.
President Obama and first lady Michelle Obama in a conference to prevent bullying, 2011. Image: kindnessabovemalice.org

Schools and parents must educate children about bullying behaviors; it will help all children feel safe and secure at school. Children who bully need to be taught empathy for others’ feelings in order to change their behaviors and the school must adopt a zero-tolerance policy regarding bullying.

Do you believe that the act of bullying committed by the students in the school or college can be even further in the future? Perhaps it needs to be done in-depth research on the background of the human rights of criminals, whether they are bullies or victims?

 The government should also contribute to addressing this bullying. Government and a parliament in any country must make the right policy to prevent bullying in school. This is confirmed by the U.S. President Barack Obama with first lady Michelle Obama at a conference in 2011.

The challenges of preventing bullying have been around for centuries, developments in mobile technology and social media have taken bullying to new territories. In addition to traditional methods used to prevent bullying, these modern problems necessitate a modern solution.

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