The human tragedy in many parts of the world

Jokowi, Barack Obama, Mahmoud Abbas, Benjamin Netanyahu, human rights, human tragedy, peace in middle east, Independent Palestinian, Israeli and Palestinian peace, Jokowi ready diplomacy, Jokowi new president, pray for Gaza
Israeli missile attacks on Gaza. Image:
If you watch television, newspapers, online news or other social media such as Twitter and Facebook, we are increasingly difficult to obtain the happy news about humanity. Human rights violations such as kidnapping girls in Nigeria, which is done with the nasty by terrorists in the name of religion, Boko Haram - make us worry about a similar incident that may occur in other countries. We also witnessed how cruel the war in Gaza, and the world is crying and praying for Gaza.

Jokowi, Barack Obama, Mahmoud Abbas, Benjamin Netanyahu, human rights, human tragedy, peace in middle east, Independent Palestinian, Israeli and Palestinian peace, Jokowi ready diplomacy, Jokowi new president, pray for Gaza
Nigerian girls kidnapped by Boko Haram in Nigeria. Image:
The world leaders such as Barack Obama, the leaders of countries in the European Economic Community or Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY), the president of Indonesia also has condemned the Israeli attack on Gaza, even the United Nations has declared the barrage as a war criminal activity. In the middle of the Gaza story is sad, it turns out most people also denounced the Israeli attacks on Gaza that the Israeli soldiers, even those demonstrating in various cities of Israel, as done by millions of people in many other cities in the world.

Jokowi, Barack Obama, Mahmoud Abbas, Benjamin Netanyahu, human rights, peace, Independent Palestinian, Israeli and Palestinian peace, Jokowi ready diplomacy, Jokowi new president, pray for Gaza,
Jokowi ready to open the Indonesian Embassy office in Palestine. Image:
Meanwhile, Jokowi Widodo or more discussed is called as Jokowi, now President-elect to replace Yudhoyono as its new president - during the campaign and the presidential debate - Jokowi seriously stating that after the inaugurated as president on October 20, 2014, Jokowi will prepare the embassy of the Republic Indonesia to open and based in Ramallah, Palestine.

Jokowi, Barack Obama, Mahmoud Abbas, Benjamin Netanyahu, human rights, peace, Independent Palestinian, Israeli and Palestinian peace, Jokowi ready diplomacy, Jokowi new president, pray for Gaza,
Brutal execution by ISIS. Image:
It's similarly, how ISIS who have done terrible attacks in Syria or in Iraq. ISIS has now made ​​fear of various nations in the Middle East, and there are fears their radical movement will spread to other areas. Murder has become a part of their movement, even the tomb of the prophet Jonah was also bombed by ISIS. Thousands of people, young and old, have been slaughtered in the name of religion or truth. This is a very sad cruel action; even confuse Muslims around the world. To uphold the teachings of a religion with violence cannot be accepted by common sense and humanity universally.

It'd almost a month millions of people around the world crying over the tragedy that occurred in Gaza, Palestine. Despite the enduring hostility between Israel and the Palestinians, the Israeli attack on Gaza conducted a vigorous, non-stop, with a variety of heavy weapons such as missiles - causing more than a thousand Palestinians, men, women, the elderly, and children who died in vain, not to mention the hundreds of people seriously injured. They lost loved ones; lost homes and the destruction of their business do not make Israel and the Palestinian group Hamas or big hearts willing to make peace.

Jokowi, Barack Obama, Mahmoud Abbas, Benjamin Netanyahu, human rights, human tragedy, peace in middle east, Independent Palestinian, Israeli and Palestinian peace, Jokowi ready diplomacy, Jokowi new president,
Victims of the war in Gaza. Image:
What are happening in Gaza are a human tragedy and a brutal attack on human rights. Any conflict or the war in Gaza or the Middle East, and other regions such as Libya, Syria or in Nigeria, as well as similar events in Ukraine - proved to be a political game or games business worth billions of dollars. The cartel of oil and gas, as well as arms dealers, and other big business has enjoyed great advantages of every human tragedy in many parts of the world. Are war and conflict has become a political commodity, even becoming a very exciting business opportunity for a group of people in this world?

Jokowi will actively conduct diplomacy for world peace

We are also very concerned with the tragedy in Gaza, Palestine. Why Israelis and Palestinians seem to maintain a constant state of war and conflict in the region. When will their hearts be moved to make peace, as has happened between Egypt and Israel? Why Palestinian leaders are not united to stop the conflict, as well as why there is still a politician and the leader of Israel's hard to coexist with Palestine as a completely independent country.
Jokowi, Barack Obama, Mahmoud Abbas, Benjamin Netanyahu, human rights, human tragedy, peace in middle east, Independent Palestinian, Israeli and Palestinian peace, Jokowi ready diplomacy, Jokowi new president,
Jokowi is ready to make peace. Image:
As already explained in the beginning of this article, Jokowi which has been elected president of Indonesia, he promised to open the Indonesian embassy in Ramallah.

Jokowi will also conduct an active diplomacy to support the independence of Palestine a sovereign country completely, as enjoyed by Israel and other nations in this old planet. Jokowi as the new leader gave new hope for the people of Indonesia; he also will try with all his heart that Palestine be accepted as a member of the UN Security Council, not just an ordinary member.

Jokowi will actively conduct diplomacy for peace in the Middle East, especially to create peace between the Palestinians and Israel, so the two countries can mutually respect the independence and sovereignty of each country. Of course Jokowi cannot do this activity without the support of international political leaders of the Middle East, and surrounding areas. Jokowi also desperately need the support of the leaders of the superpowers like the United States, Russia, China, Britain and the European Community. Meanwhile, all the factions and Palestinian leaders during this disagree with each other; both Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and Hamas leader would have had the same view for the true independence of Palestine.

Jokowi, Barack Obama, Mahmoud Abbas, Benjamin Netanyahu, human rights, human tragedy, peace in middle east, Independent Palestinian, Israeli and Palestinian peace, Jokowi ready diplomacy, Jokowi new president,
Netanyahu, Obama and Abbas. Image:
If the Palestinian leadership and Arab countries have the same vision, then Israel would be heart stirred him to accept the full independence of Palestine to become a sovereign nation. With the support of the United States and Jewish, as well as the entire community of Islam and the Middle East, peace in the Middle East, especially the Palestinian independence will be realized.

Jokowi could be a true facilitator to support Palestinian independence, and the acceptance of Palestine as a full member of United Nations in New York, so the Palestinians with Israel can sit together at the UN Security Council, and the two countries can actively promote peace and prosperity for mankind, without distinction of race, religion, nationality and other differences barriers. Jokowi, Barack Obama, Mahmoud Abbas and Benjamin Netanyahu had a golden opportunity in the 21st century is for meet, and sit down together for discuss a peace among the Israel and the Palestinians for be realized as soon as possible before the year 2014 ends.

We look forward to Jokowi, the president of Indonesia to become one of the world leaders who have concern for the creation of a world of lasting peace, as mandated by the opening of the Indonesian Constitution. Let us support Jokowi for peace, and more prosperous world.

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