Humanitarian movement for a better world

The world situation in 2016 is grim, making millions of people sad, even miserable. The struggle to protect human rights seem futile. There are so many victims of crimes against humanity in Aleppo. There are so many photos and videos of cruelty, so vile against children, women and elderly people. ISIS upload these photos and videos with a heart of stone. They religion used as an excuse to rape women, force of will, torture, kidnapping and killing of human beings are cruel. 

In addition to ISIS, you will recall how Boko Haram has acted brutally and cruelly in Nigeria and elsewhere in Africa. Organizations sadistic like this should disappear from our earth, if the elite of the world unite to fight the abominations which they commit to mankind.

Densus 88, human rights, ISIS, Boko Haram, Aleppo, rohingya, Pancasila, Jokowi, Indonesia, religious tolerance, Tito Karnavian, Kofi Annan
President Jokowi and Kofi Annan. Image:
Meanwhile in other parts of the world there are other atrocities such as the movement of intolerance, even become a very scary event. This event is certainly very disturbing adherents of certain religions. Religious activities disturbed by the slightest pretext. Adverse events occurred in several places in Indonesia.

However, the people of Indonesia should be grateful, because President Jokowi had ordered Gen. Tito Karnavian (Indonesian Police Chief) to act decisively against the social organization that acts against the law. Indonesia is a country that has Pancasila as the legal basis for maintaining religious harmony. Jokowi has successfully prevented intolerant movements performed by certain community organizations in Indonesia.

Radical organization does endanger a country and have a global impact. They make religion as a shield to recruit young people, even young women. They are indoctrinated to become a killing machine against the police and the community. DENSUS 88, an anti-terrorist organization which is owned by the Indonesian police have successfully thwarted terror plots in several cities in Indonesia. This success should be appreciated not only by the people of Indonesia. World civil society must also be grateful, so that human casualties could be prevented.
Densus 88, human rights, ISIS, Boko Haram, Aleppo, rohingya, Pancasila, Jokowi, Indonesia, religious tolerance, Tito Karnavian, Kofi Annan
                                                                    Save Aleppo. Image:

The world should not forget the humanitarian crisis in Myanmar. After a lot of casualties in Myanmar, finally Indonesia and Kofi Annan, the former UN secretary general has taken the necessary steps to prevent another tragedy in Myanmar. The refugees Ronghiya entitled to basic protection. You can find the majority of these refugees in Aceh, the Indonesian government had given them shelter. It’s wonderful if rich countries in the Middle East also act as the Indonesian government. There are some rich countries in the Middle East which have a source of funds and the ability to make a real humanitarian movement.

How beautiful our world, if the rich countries in the Middle East also behave as has been done by the Indonesian government. There are some rich countries in the Middle East which have a source of funds and the ability to make a real humanitarian movement. We still remember Germany and several other EU countries have also opened the door to accommodate Syrian refugees.
Densus 88, human rights, ISIS, Boko Haram, Aleppo, rohingya, Pancasila, Jokowi, Indonesia, religious tolerance, Tito Karnavian, Kofi Annan
Boko Haram in Nigeria. Image:
 The world cannot avoid to join the humanitarian movement and maintain the beauty of inter-religious tolerance. There are millions of people who are already tired of the tragedy caused by the narrowness of the political elite, scholars and religious leaders. There should be no bad things that happen, because religion has ethics, love and there are passages that teach the importance of tolerance, compassion and humanity are violated by these elites.
Densus 88, human rights, ISIS, Boko Haram, Aleppo, rohingya, Pancasila, Jokowi, Indonesia, religious tolerance, Tito Karnavian, Kofi Annan
Unity in Diversity (Pancasila). Image:
There are many human rights organizations, as well as fans of social media, bloggers, artists, and anyone can be an agent of the rights of human beings to always speak more assertive, not only to pray in silence, so that the world becomes happier in 2017. The MPs (parliamentarian) and governments around the world can do the same thing, because they have the power to create laws and implement them for the sake of humanity.

Everyone has the basic right to receive protection for expression in the arts, science, social, economic and political. We can do some good things with simple action. Movement of tolerance and respect to mankind can be started from the family room, close environment, respecting the religious beliefs of others. All the action is the basis for creating a better world, secure, peaceful and prosperous.

God has created all the beauty in the world with a wide range of differences in race, religion, art, culture, language, and things are to be loved by anyone in the world. Respecting differences is proof of our devotion to mankind. There are a lot of poetry, literature, songs, and a declaration of independence that teaches about how wonderful "UNITY IN DIVERSITY". 

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