
Showing posts with the label Indonesia

Presiden Jokowi Tagih Janji Kejaksaan Agung

Menjelang hari Hak Asasi Manusia atau HAM sedunia para pegiat human rights di Indonesia mengeluh terhadap penuntasan kasus HAM. Meskipun demikian para pengamat dan warganet juga heran dengan sikap Komnas HAM dan pegiat HAM lainnya pada kasus pembunuhan kejam terhadap sebuah keluarga di Desa Lembatongoa, Kecamatan Palolo, Kabupaten Sigi, Sulawesi Tenggara. Komnas HAM dan pegiat HAM sangat serius bersikap terhadap 6 anggota FPI yang tewas di Tol Jakarta - Cikampek pada 17/12/2020 yang lalu.  Pada peristiwa yang terjadi Sigi, Sulawesi Tenggara pada 27 November 2020 itu polisi mengatakan bahwa pembunuhan sadis itu dilakukan oleh kelompok yang dipimpin Ali Kalora, yang disebut sebagai kekompok MIT. Sementara itu menurut (14/12/2020) pada Pembukaan Rapat Kerja Kejaksaan Republik Indonesia, sebagaimana ditayangkan saluran YouTube Sekretariat Presiden, Senin (14/12/2020), Presiden Joko Widodo menagih janji kepada Kejaksaan Agung sehubungan dengan penuntasan kasus pelanggaran

Hak asasi anggota POLRI & TNI antara ada dan tiada?

Isu tentang hak asasi manusia (human rights) selalu muncul ketika sebuah negara sedang mengalami unjuk rasa. Pada saat demonstrasi polisi akan berada di garis depan untuk menjaga keamanan dan ketertiban. Para pendemo punya kepentingan agar pemerintah atau anggota Parlemen (DPR) memenuhi kepentingan mereka. Biasanya mereka akan menggunakan slogan-slogan bernada membela serta memperjuangkan kepentingan rakyat.  Ketika terjadi demo biasanya terjadi benturan antara polisi dengan para pendemo. Tidak selalu demontrasi berjalan damai dan diakhiri sesuai kesepakatan misalnya unjuk rasa harus diakhiri pada jam 18.00 waktu setempat.  Suasana unjuk rasa tolak UU Cipta Kerja di kawasan Harmoni, Jakarta Pusat, 8 Oktober 2020.  ( Demontrasi pada dasarnya merupakan ekspresi adu ide dan kepentingan yang umumnya sulit langsung terjadi titik temu. Kedua belah pihak ingin mempertahankan kepentingan masing-masing. Entah itu para pendemo maupun pemerintah atau parlemen - pasti merasa pa

Muncratnya kebebasan tanpa makna ketika Kue Klepon dibully

Di tengah pandemi global gara-gara serbuan COVID-19 yang sedang dihadapi warga dunia dengan perasaan ngeri-ngeri sedap alias perasaan campur aduk, Indonesia juga sibuk dengan Kue Klepon yang memiliki rasa sensasional ini karena ada efek muncrat ketika masuk mulut.  Kesibukan itu bukan hanya terjadi di dapur pembuat jajanan pasar, juga terjadi di dunia maya. Setelah Kue Klepon yang makin sedap karena ditaburi parutan kelapa ini dibully, ramailah warganet atau para Netizen dan pecinta Kuliner Nusantara yang serentak membela eksistensi sang Klepon yang tidak berdosa ini.  Nikmatnya Kue Klepon di Jaman Now ( Perundungan yang diderita oleh Kue Klepon telah membangkitkan rasa "patriotisme" warga dari berbagai kalangan, baik yang senang menikmati jajanan pasar dengan alas daun pisang maupun yang sebelum ada serangan virus Corona yang juga dengan rasa bahagia menyantap kue lezat ini di C afĂ©   atau coffee shop yang berpendingin udara kaleng di berbagai

Humanitarian movement for a better world

The world situation in 2016 is grim, making millions of people sad, even miserable. The struggle to protect human rights seem futile. There are so many victims of crimes against humanity in Aleppo. There are so many photos and videos of cruelty, so vile against children, women and elderly people. ISIS upload these photos and videos with a heart of stone. They religion used as an excuse to rape women, force of will, torture, kidnapping and killing of human beings are cruel.  In addition to ISIS, you will recall how Boko Haram has acted brutally and cruelly in Nigeria and elsewhere in Africa. Organizations sadistic like this should disappear from our earth, if the elite of the world unite to fight the abominations which they commit to mankind. President Jokowi and Kofi Annan. Image: Meanwhile in other parts of the world there are other atrocities such as the movement of intolerance, even become a very scary event. This event is certainly very disturbing adherents

The future of human rights in China

China Great Wall. Image: Have you ever been to China? You certainly fascinated by the splendour of the Great Wall and the imperial court of China, the Forbidden City in Beijing. We are also familiar with Chinese art and culture such as Kung Fu, noodles, and the natural beauty of the country that has a very old history as India, Greece and Egypt.  You may also have heard and read about the greatness of China's economic, political and human rights violations in the country; even Japan was concerned with the spread of air pollution in China to Japan. Is air pollution would damage the health of the Japanese people is considered a human rights violation? Which obviously every human being has the right to clean air and blue skies. 

Anwar Ibrahim remind Malaysia to respect Indonesia

Anwar Ibrahim, former Deputy Prime Minister during Mahathir Muhammad era, remind Malaysian, especially the government and politician to respect Indonesian. After Malaysian awarded Independence by the British Empire in 1957, Indonesia helps to build Malaysia. Indonesia sent a lot of teacher, engineer, and other expertise to Malaysia. Many young Malaysian also study in Indonesia universities. After they graduated they became successful persons in politics and other activities such as in business. Anwar Ibrahim also mentioned that there are not big leaders like Indonesian leader Soekarno and Hatta. As we know, Soekarno inspired Asian and African countries woke up to fight and earned their independence from western colonialism. Anwar Ibrahim reminds all Malaysian that there is no great poet artist in Malaysia like Indonesians, Chairil Anwar and WS Rendra.

Malaysia oh Malaysia

Hot news from Malaysia: Big protest on Saturday, November 10, 2007. Malaysian police have used tear gas and water cannon to disperse thousands of protesters who were marching in Kuala Lumpur to demand electoral reform. The event was organized by a group called Bersih (Clean) which is made up of opposition parties and dozens of non-governmental organizations. The marchers were prevented from entering central Merdeka Square because police said they did not have a permit. Police estimated the crowd at between 10-30,000 people. More than 300 people arrested by Malaysian police. If you read Malaysian newspapers, you’ll never see those pictures as appear in this blog. You can see these pictures in Indonesia media, and other democratic countries. Malaysian media are afraid if the government will ban their media. Malaysian newspaper only reports the traffic jam because of some road closed by the authority. Indonesian people must be very proud because media already earn their freedom since

Malaysia, Shame on You

Since 1998 Indonesia enjoys a wide space for democracy , freedom of speech, freedom of press and media, etc, also first multy party general election in 1999. It happened because of Indonesian student movements and other activists. In 2004, Indonesian people truly elect their president directly for the first time. Indonesian student movements were a really main player when they announced the reformation movement in 1998. Indonesia becomes the 3rd largest democratic country in the world after USA and India in terms of population. Student in Indonesia are very dynamic in Asia. Malaysia and Singapore never enjoyed this privilege. Most government in Asia, especially in Malaysia has strong control to every democracy movements. No freedom for news papers, television and other media in Malaysia, especially when it comes to criticizing and giving advice to the government. We still remember what the Malaysian police did to the former deputy prime minister, Mr. Anwar Ibrahim when Mahathir Mu