Malaysia, Shame on You

Since 1998 Indonesia enjoys a wide space for democracy, freedom of speech, freedom of press and media, etc, also first multy party general election in 1999. It happened because of Indonesian student movements and other activists. In 2004, Indonesian people truly elect their president directly for the first time. Indonesian student movements were a really main player when they announced the reformation movement in 1998.

Indonesia becomes the 3rd largest democratic country in the world after USA and India in terms of population. Student in Indonesia are very dynamic in Asia. Malaysia and Singapore never enjoyed this privilege. Most government in Asia, especially in Malaysia has strong control to every democracy movements. No freedom for news papers, television and other media in Malaysia, especially when it comes to criticizing and giving advice to the government.

We still remember what the Malaysian police did to the former deputy prime minister, Mr. Anwar Ibrahim when Mahathir Muhammad was Prime Minister. Anwar Ibrahim was beaten by the police. The court also forbids Anwar to involve himself in political practice for a long time.

Another dark side of the Malaysian government is restrictions to non-Malay citizen in economic, culture and business affairs. This policy was design to protect native Malaysian (bumi putera) from being outclassed from outsiders. That’s why the Indian and the Chinese people who already lived in Malaysia since more than 100 years ago feel no freedom in business and in other civilian activities.

What happen with the Malaysian young generation, especially the Malaysian student?
Yes, there is a lot of restriction, so all students in Malaysia are in a state of dormancy. They don’t care of the bad habit of Malaysian police and RELA to the foreign workers and illegal immigrant. They keep their eyes closed. They afraid to express their opinion and empathy to the Indonesian housemaids which is very often became injured and sexually abused by the police or RELA.

Malaysian tourism slogan is “Truly Asia”, but they’re not acting like true Asians. Malaysian authority always show their bad manner if something wrong happen to foreign workers and a lot of housemaids. They were slow to say sorry or to say an apology to Indonesian people or Indonesian government when one of the Indonesian Karate official got tortured by RELA and Malaysian police. Indonesian people were angry and protested to the Malaysian government. It took more than a week for an apology and regret from the Malaysian government. It happened again when the Indonesian diplomat wife was detained by the Malaysian police/RELA, even after she showed her ID.

Complaints to the Malaysian are not just from Indonesia, but also from Bangladesh and other countries which sends their people to work there. It’s time for the young generation and students in Malaysia to change their country to become a better place for democracy and a rule of law.

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