
Showing posts with the label freedom of speech

Muncratnya kebebasan tanpa makna ketika Kue Klepon dibully

Di tengah pandemi global gara-gara serbuan COVID-19 yang sedang dihadapi warga dunia dengan perasaan ngeri-ngeri sedap alias perasaan campur aduk, Indonesia juga sibuk dengan Kue Klepon yang memiliki rasa sensasional ini karena ada efek muncrat ketika masuk mulut.  Kesibukan itu bukan hanya terjadi di dapur pembuat jajanan pasar, juga terjadi di dunia maya. Setelah Kue Klepon yang makin sedap karena ditaburi parutan kelapa ini dibully, ramailah warganet atau para Netizen dan pecinta Kuliner Nusantara yang serentak membela eksistensi sang Klepon yang tidak berdosa ini.  Nikmatnya Kue Klepon di Jaman Now ( Perundungan yang diderita oleh Kue Klepon telah membangkitkan rasa "patriotisme" warga dari berbagai kalangan, baik yang senang menikmati jajanan pasar dengan alas daun pisang maupun yang sebelum ada serangan virus Corona yang juga dengan rasa bahagia menyantap kue lezat ini di C afĂ©   atau coffee shop yang berpendingin udara kaleng di berb...

The future of human rights in China

China Great Wall. Image: Have you ever been to China? You certainly fascinated by the splendour of the Great Wall and the imperial court of China, the Forbidden City in Beijing. We are also familiar with Chinese art and culture such as Kung Fu, noodles, and the natural beauty of the country that has a very old history as India, Greece and Egypt.  You may also have heard and read about the greatness of China's economic, political and human rights violations in the country; even Japan was concerned with the spread of air pollution in China to Japan. Is air pollution would damage the health of the Japanese people is considered a human rights violation? Which obviously every human being has the right to clean air and blue skies. 

Malaysia, Shame on You

Since 1998 Indonesia enjoys a wide space for democracy , freedom of speech, freedom of press and media, etc, also first multy party general election in 1999. It happened because of Indonesian student movements and other activists. In 2004, Indonesian people truly elect their president directly for the first time. Indonesian student movements were a really main player when they announced the reformation movement in 1998. Indonesia becomes the 3rd largest democratic country in the world after USA and India in terms of population. Student in Indonesia are very dynamic in Asia. Malaysia and Singapore never enjoyed this privilege. Most government in Asia, especially in Malaysia has strong control to every democracy movements. No freedom for news papers, television and other media in Malaysia, especially when it comes to criticizing and giving advice to the government. We still remember what the Malaysian police did to the former deputy prime minister, Mr. Anwar Ibrahim when Mahathir Mu...