Anwar Ibrahim remind Malaysia to respect Indonesia

Anwar Ibrahim, former Deputy Prime Minister during Mahathir Muhammad era, remind Malaysian, especially the government and politician to respect Indonesian. After Malaysian awarded Independence by the British Empire in 1957, Indonesia helps to build Malaysia. Indonesia sent a lot of teacher, engineer, and other expertise to Malaysia. Many young Malaysian also study in Indonesia universities. After they graduated they became successful persons in politics and other activities such as in business.

Anwar Ibrahim also mentioned that there are not big leaders like Indonesian leader Soekarno and Hatta. As we know, Soekarno inspired Asian and African countries woke up to fight and earned their independence from western colonialism. Anwar Ibrahim reminds all Malaysian that there is no great poet artist in Malaysia like Indonesians, Chairil Anwar and WS Rendra.

Malaysian government and their politician are arrogant. They are too proud to their economic stability and prosperity. If we flashback to 1957 to 1960’s era and during 1970’s, Malaysian politician and the government must remember the old days when Indonesian helps Malaysia in many area. It’s not fair if Malaysia become arrogant just because that Indonesia is not so lucky in economic life. Every one understands that Indonesia is not a simple like Malaysia situation. The Indonesian population is much bigger than Malaysia. There are many problems in Indonesia such as so many ethnic and cultural backgrounds. On the other hand, Indonesia enjoys a better democracy than Malaysia since the reformation era in 1998.

Time bomb is ticking in Malaysia? Probably yes. Newspapers and other media in Malaysia are not free in Malaysia. No freedom of speech like Indonesia. Young generation are seem ignorance to the current affair in Malaysia. When Indonesian housemaids tortured, Malaysian media only give little space in their newspaper or television. No empathy or sympathy to Indonesian victims, so Malaysian police and RELA still arrogant and cruel.

It’s time that Malaysia changes their vision. This country demand more space for democracy and freedom of speech and they must replace their discrimination law to the Chinese and Indian or other ethnic who live in Malaysia more than one generation. Indonesia is advance than Malaysia in term of democracy and freedom of speech and expressions.
Wake up Malaysia.

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