Nigeria's Boko Haram, the most horrible human rights violators

warning of human rights , human rights violations , kidnapping girls in Nigeria , kidnapping of girls by Boko Haram , democracy in Indonesia , religious tolerance , Megawati Sukarnoputri , Jokowi presidential candidate , the right to education
Boko Haram militants and girls in Nigeria. Image:
Parents in Nigeria must have been very frightened and anxious, their children go to school, but never returned home. This is the horrible reality facing in Nigeria, and the world strongly condemns the terrorist acts of Boko Haram. 

Without a doubt Abubakar Shekau said "I kidnapped your daughter," This man is the head of the Islamist militant group Boko Haram. He stated that his assertion videotaped 57 minute duration, referring to the kidnapping of over 276 female students from their school in Chibok, Borno state, on 14 April.

Boko Haram also threatened to sell the poor girl, and this led to international condemnation. Goodluck Jonathan, Nigeria's president says that his government is in a difficult period. United States also provides assistance to the Nigerian government, as well as some European countries helped to solve the biggest case of abduction, and is the most horrific human rights violations.
warning of human rights , human rights violations , kidnapping girls in Nigeria , kidnapping of girls by Boko Haram , democracy in Indonesia , religious tolerance , Megawati Sukarnoputri , Jokowi presidential candidate , the right to education
                               Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan with a black hat. Image:

The parents of a teenage girl who was kidnapped also concerned about the safety of their daughter, they could be raped, tortured or killed by Boko Haram militants. Also reported food supplies and logistics militant Islamic group has been reduced, so it is probable abductee will lack nutrients, and the opportunity to die of starvation can occur. Is satellite technology and drones can find the location of these poor children ? Meanwhile, Nigerian president Goodluck Jonathan insists not willing to exchange prisoners with Boko Haram to free the children.

The big question why there is a group of people who could do such cruel kidnapping or detonate a bomb in a public place so that hundreds of people die in vain. Why is a struggle to do with cruelty and arrogance? They also violate human rights on behalf of religion . Who is behind Boko Haram?

Boko Haram excuse to kidnap the female students is mainly because they oppose education for women. In their version of Sharia law, women should be at home raising children and caring for their husbands, not in school learning to read and write. This doctrine is contrary to human rights that everyone has the right to study at school or university, both women and men.

Let us learn from Indonesia about democracy, pluralism, tolerance and harmony among religious people.

warning of human rights , human rights violations , kidnapping girls in Nigeria , kidnapping of girls by Boko Haram , democracy in Indonesia , religious tolerance , Megawati Sukarnoputri , Jokowi presidential candidate , the right to education
Megawati Sukarnoputri (left) and Jokowi. Image:
Muslim women in Indonesia are very fortunate because it is free to learn at school and even at the highest levels of education. They are also free to choose jobs and professions suit their talent, even many who become corporate leaders, government officials such as ministers, even Indonesia have been the first female president, Megawati Sukarno Putri.

Jokowi a new hope for Indonesia

warning of human rights , human rights violations , kidnapping girls in Nigeria , kidnapping of girls by Boko Haram , democracy in Indonesia , religious tolerance , Megawati Sukarnoputri , Jokowi presidential candidate , the right to education
Indonesian women. Image:
Megawati was also a chairman of a major party in Indonesia, and has now become a "King Maker", having been nominated Jokowi, the Governor of Jakarta, as a candidate in elections in July 2014. Jokowi now become a new hope for Indonesia, which has a Muslim majority population, but it is known the world as a country that has inter-religious harmony, which is better than the other Muslim countries . Founding Father of Indonesia have laid the groundwork state with the motto: Bhineka Tunggal Ika or "Unity in Diversity". This motto is an integral part of the Pancasila, the five basic principles or ideology of the Indonesian nation. Jokowi expected to continue and implement the slogan, because the people of Indonesia are pluraris society consisting of various tribes, ethnic, and many adherents of various major religions, as well as various groups of adherents of belief in God.
warning of human rights , human rights violations , kidnapping girls in Nigeria , kidnapping of girls by Boko Haram , democracy in Indonesia , religious tolerance , Megawati Sukarnoputri , Jokowi presidential candidate , the right to education
#BringBack OurGirl. Image:
Is Boko Haram do not think the simple logic? For example, if a husband died at a young age, then who will provide a living for his wife and children they left behind . Without education would be difficult for the widow to get a decent job. Please remember about the black history in Afghanistan, namely Al Qaeda forbids girls to go to school, is also prohibit women working in any field, so that the women in Afghanistan were forced to sell themselves as prostitutes. Thankful situation of women in Afghanistan has improved, although al Qaeda remains a serious threat.
warning of human rights , human rights violations , kidnapping girls in Nigeria , kidnapping of girls by Boko Haram , democracy in Indonesia , religious tolerance , Megawati Sukarnoputri , Jokowi presidential candidate , the right to education
Michele Obama  the first lady and Salma Hayek the Hollywood actress. Image: special.

Currently a variety of social media has been carrying out a campaign movement, with the hastag Bring Back Our Girls hashtag or # BringBackOurGirls to urge the Nigerian government to rescue the girls. Most of you must have joined this movement because you are very concerned with human rights issues, although they are not part of your nation, but we live together under the same sky, and under the same sun. Even many celebrities such as Salma Hayek, and Michele Obama, first lady of the United States also has called on anyone who cares about the fate of girls in Nigeria to immediately join the movement # bring back our girl. Let us all join for the sake of human rights, and for the realization of a more solid democracy around the world. 

Let us pray so that the children are kidnapped in Nigeria Boko Haram group could immediately released, and the number of countries based on dictatorship soon evolved into a more democratic, respect human rights, and without discrimination. Religion is something that is holy and loving. Let religion be used as a shield for the power to violate human rights are universally recognized by the United Nations, and is recognized by human reason, who love peace and democracy.

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