Environmental activists jailed in China

Demonstration in China. Image: theepochtimes.com

There is no democracy in China. That is a fact. If the Chinese people harmed in some way, it is easier if the grievances are not embodied in a mass protest. Demonstrations are illegal activities in mainland China, unless the Chinese community rallies and demonstrations against foreign countries. Being environmental activist living in China is a very dangerous activity. The environmentalists will be arrested, even jailed as has happened in Qidong.

China has sentenced 16 people to up to a year-and-a-half in prison for participation in an environmental protest last July when a crowd of thousands ransacked government offices. Only one defendant, Zhu Xiaoling, planned to appeal, the Xinhua report said. The protests eased after the owner of the factory, Japan's Oji Paper, announced it had cancelled the pipeline, which would have dumped waste water into the sea.

Smog in China. Image: smartplanet.com
A court in Qidong city, 65 km north of Shanghai, charged the group of demonstrators with "gathering to assault state organs, damaging property and theft" during the July 28 demonstration against a pipeline for waste from a paper factory.

China has seen a series of demonstrations against environmental pollution and planned industrial projects perceived as a threat to health in recent years. Authorities have allowed protesters to take to the streets, but cracked down on participants for disrupting public order and damaging property.

In the case in Qidong, in Jiangsu province, three protesters were sentenced to between one year and one-and-a-half years in jail, the Xinhua report said, but did not give exact details of their crimes. Another 13 people were given similar sentences but the court suspended the terms on the grounds they confessed and repented, Xinhua said. The sentences come during a particularly smoggy winter that has renewed widespread concern over China's environmental problems. Air quality levels in Beijing have frequently been labeled as unhealthy or dangerous.

The deepest dreams young people, students and activists in China to be able to enjoy peaceful demonstration activities as perceived by the people of Indonesia, the United States or Europe will be hard felt in the coming decades. Although the activists and students in Indonesia and other countries have enjoyed the freedom to conduct rallies or protest to the government, it would be nice if the demonstrations do not lead to chaos, anarchist, destruction of public buildings, public facilities especially when if a protest with violence because it will provoke the police. However, police are human beings. Go for nonviolent protest and provocation. Violence will only result in subsequent violence.


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