Australia ready to expel asylum seekers

The issue of human rights for asylum seekers in Australia.Asylum seekers in Australia, human rights in Australia, Aboriginal Australia
Asylum seekers in the middle of the ocean being rescued by the Australian Navy before Tony Abbott became Prime Minister. Image:
The community and the Australian government has been known for having the attention on human rights issues in other countries. In the 70s they welcome boat people from Vietnam. 
Tony Abbott, Australia's new Prime Minister made ​​a speech in front of the Australian flag. Image:
Now the Vietnamese people have a prosperous life in Australia. However, Australia has now apparently changed direction, the Conservative party leader Tony Abbott at the last election campaign, he pledged to reject and expel asylum seekers from Iran, Afghanistan and refugees from other countries. 

Tony Abbot success with his campaign, and will certainly troublesome government and law enforcement officials in Indonesia. Refugees and asylum seekers make Indonesia as a transit place before they crossed over to Australia. The fate of asylum seekers and refugees will be increasingly bleak. They consider Australia as a springboard for a more prosperous life, without threats or torture as they were in Iran, Afghanistan or Turkey.
Asylum seekers who want to live in Australia, is now sufferingImage:

The reason Tony Abbott and his party is in order to save the state money, so the more prosperous residents of Australia. Many other countries do not like the new policy in the land of the kangaroo and the koala, because Australia will also reduce aid to countries that are not prosperous.

Double-faced Australian

Australia's new policy under the government of Tony Abbott, is very different from the Swedish government with a friendly welcome and willing to accommodate refugees from Syria, even the Swedish government to facilitate Syrian refugees have the right for permanent residence in Sweden. Australian society should be embarrassed to this reality.

If you want to know more in Australia, then we should remember how the Australian government's treatment of the Aboriginal population, which historically is the first nation to live in Australia. Aboriginal art is known for its unique chisels, now live below the average standard of Australians.
Aboriginal people Australia, human right in Australia, discrimination in Australia
Historic photographs of the suffering of Aborigines in Australia in the past. Image:
Aboriginal people are also difficult to be an employee or officer in the office of the Australian government, let alone to become a minister. If Kevin Rudd when he was prime minister Australia never uttered an apology to Aboriginal people for the atrocities and human rights violations in the past the Australian government, the big question is, if Tony Abbot, will make the policy more friendly and give a better chance to Aboriginal social, educational, and employment opportunities and better business opportunities?
Sydney Opera House, Human Rights in Australia, Discrimination in Australia
The magnificent Opera House in Sydney, Australia. Image:
Press and media in Australia there is no question what Tony Abbot's policy to Aboriginal peoples who have long been oppressed and suffering. 

Australian media and Australian NGOs only pay great attention to issues of human rights that occurred abroad. They also want to interfere in the affairs of other countries than to give more serious attention to the various discrimination in Australia, umisalnya for cases of discrimination in the Indian and other Asian descent in several cities in Australia. The cause of discrimination is usually due to jealousy issues Whites Australian citizens on Australia's population of Asian descent. Such issues often occur Australia, in a country that supposedly uphold democracy and defending human rights.

Australia may have to look back sincerely the Declaration of of human rights charter that has been echoed by the United Nations decades ago. Are you interested in this question on your blog or on foundations and institutions that exist in your country? We can not allow any nation or government double-faced and double standards, which is very hypocritical.

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