Another Malaysian bad manner

Indonesia is having problems. And again, it’s with Malaysia. This time, it’s about the borders in Kalimantan (Borneo). If you look at Borneo in the map, you can see it’s divided in two. The larger area belongs to Indonesia, and the rest is Malaysian territory.

The problem is, some Malaysians are accused of moving the poles used as border marks. Some of them are moved 100 kilometers away into Indonesian territory! With the borders moved, and the Malaysian territory “expand”, the Malaysian wood companies have larger space to cut wood. And they’re cutting Indonesian trees! It is an illegal act, and now some of the marks have been moved to their original positions. The Indonesian government has also done meetings with the Malaysian government, and these meetings include protests from the Indonesian government.

Another problem is the forest fires in Indonesia. Forest fires can’t happen without a cause. The Indonesian government accuses the local farmers in Kalimantan and Riau, who burns forests to open new farming fields. The Indonesian government, of course, has taken serious measures to regulate farming in these areas.

The forest fires cause smoke to appear, and the winds swept the smoke to neighboring countries. Malaysia and Singapore have been hit by the smoke, and the smoke causes trouble in airports and flights. They criticized the Indonesian for the smoke, and they want the smoke to stop. Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla, however, mentioned that Malaysia and Singapore had never given any thanks to Indonesia for supplying fresh air and oxygen.

Back to the borders and deforestation problems, some Indonesians suspect that Malaysian wood companies are behind illegal logging in Indonesia. For those who are wondering, illegal logging is an act of deforestation without any permission from the local government. They are also suspected of storing the logs in a hidden place. Some ships have been found smuggling logs into Malaysian territory. Investigations also reveal that some of the illegal woodcutters’ bosses are indeed Malaysian. Some of them have already been caught.

Bigger problems also rise when it is revealed that the Malaysian government is actually letting this happen! They didn’t even try to stop the smugglers! Again, it’s back to economic benefit for the Malaysian.

It’s too much for the “Truly Asia” motto. The Malaysians often try to get away with these acts by saying “The Indonesians and we are one family (considering Indonesians and Malaysians are Malay)”. Indonesia’s not going to fall for that “one family” thing again. We live in a world controlled by law and justice, so there’s no more room for getting away with bad acts. We will all prosecute the bad, and defend the good. THAT’S HOW IT WORKS!

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